Re: [*FSFFU*] more on films - antonia's line

From: Heather Whipple (
Date: Sat Dec 06 1997 - 12:01:52 PST

I also really loved this movie, and also witnessed a gender split in
others' responses to it. The women I saw it with also thought it was
wonderful. OK, I know this is a very small sample, but the one man I
talked to about it was less thrilled. I was particularly intrigued when
he said he found the violence in it disturbing, that it was too real. One
of the things that makes the movie great in my eyes is the way it shows
bad things happening to good people, and those people suffering,
recovering, and moving on with their lives. And of course the magical
realism, particularly towards the end, also left me with a positive,
hopeful sense of the cycle of life, while the man I talked to found the
ending depressing. Go figure. Go rent the movie.

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Heather Whipple Humanities Librarian Swarthmore College

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