Re: [*FSFFU*] Anyone interested in starting a book group?

From: NESchaadt (nschaadt@TXCC.NET)
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 08:05:47 PST

Add me to the list and call me excited also. How about alternating SF and
Fantasy with genre selection pre-1984 and post-1984 (years selected
arbitrarily)? I'd like to read and discuss some older LeGuin and Andre
Norton as well as newer books. One question for the listmistress, will a
book club drag the FSFFU listserv? Will it inconvience people who do not
want to participate??

> writes:
><< But I've always been interested in book groups -- you know, everyone
>the same book and then gets together to discuss it.
>Quiltrek writes:
>Delurking because this sounds really exciting.

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