Re: Overpopulation

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Thu Jul 24 1997 - 09:22:57 PDT

In my experience, at least when talking about young people some 15 years
ago, the bizarre thing to me was that the college track kids -- who
actually mostly already had the basic information as opposed to the
disinformation that seems to perpetuate itself faster even that people
("you can't get pregnant the first time" "You can't get pregnant if the
girl is on top" "Douching with coke will keep you from getting pregnant")
-- were the ones who got the classes talking about sex and its
consequences, while the non-college bound didn't. Which always seemed
backasswards to me. I think our schools have improved the distribution of
information now, (at least at my daughter's school it seems to be part of
the basic program) and probably the biggest obstacle is kids' sense of
immortality and invulnerability: "nothing bad can happen to me."

Any SF out there postulating a reduction in population because people have
less sex for fear of death?

Mysterious Galaxy 619-268-4747
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