Re: Topics of curiosity (was: yes, list is still here!)

Date: Tue Jun 10 1997 - 10:07:15 PDT

-- [ From: David Christenson * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

To help alleviate the quiet, I thought I'd quit lurking and shotgun-
blast-out a batch of potential topics for the more learned members of
this list (just about any member is more learned than I). This is all
stuff I've been wondering about anyway.

 - Recommended summer reading. (BTW, if summer reading must be "light,"
is there such a thing as "light" feminist SF?)

 - Who's feminist and who ain't among pre-1970s SF/fantasy writers? That
is, is there detectable feminism in the earlier works of C.L. Moore,
Leigh Brackett, E. Mayne Hull, Shirley Jackson, Miriam Allen DeFord
(digging deep here), J. Hunter Holly, Rena Vale, Margaret St. Clair, A.M
. Lightner, Katherine MacLean? (I think Andre Norton was discussed
recently here, and Judith Merril at Wiscon 20 of course.)

 - Current stuff: Which current SF writers are laudably feminist, and
which are unapologetic swine (or sheep)?

- Media: though there's plenty enough Trek talk around, I wouldn't mind
a good long discussion of Trek feminism (or lack of it), if anybody's

David Christenson -

Ray Goulding: "Suppose someone on the radio said, "What are you doing now, in this Atomic Age?'" Bob Elliott: "And you would answer, 'No.'"

"You'll say reality is under no obligation to be interesting. To which I'd reply that reality may disregard the obligation but that we may not. " - Jorge Luis Borges

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