[*FSFFU*] Anyone interested in starting a book group?

From: Jennifer Krauel (jkrauel@actioneer.com)
Date: Sat Dec 13 1997 - 17:58:50 PST

I know, it's so Oprah. But I've always been interested in book groups
-- you know, everyone reads the same book and then gets together to
discuss it. I don't have to tell you, though, about the odds of finding
a feminist sf/fantasy book group in your town. And I have so little
time for recreational reading, I hate to "waste" it on other kinds of

This list is great for discussing books, but it seems that other than
the big name authors (e.g. Le Guin) there isn't much of a critical mass
interested in discussing a book at a particular time. So I thought we
could nominate some books and schedule dates for their discussion.
Perhaps this could happen in time for holiday reading?

I have no agenda for which books to include. It'd be great if it were
one I have but haven't read yet, of course! And it ought to be
something still available in stores (or libraries) for those of us who
don't yet have copies. We could perhaps alternate SF and Fantasy. And
how long do you think discussion would go on between books - should we
do one per month? Anybody care to suggest some structure?


Jennifer Krauel      Director of Product Marketing
jkrauel@actioneer.com 415.536.0715 fax 415.882.4372
++ Actioneering: the art and science of getting it done ++

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